On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 11:48:54 -0400
David Goulet <dgou...@torproject.org> allegedly wrote:
> The Tor Network Team will from now on do its release announcement
> through our new fancy shiny Discourse forum:
> https://forum.torproject.net
> If you are interested in getting notified for each release
> announcement, you should follow this category (once you get an
> account):
> https://forum.torproject.net/c/news/tor-release-announcement/28
> And for todays' announcement:
> https://forum.torproject.net/t/release-0-3-5-17-0-4-5-11-0-4-6-8-and-0-4-7-2-alpha/148


I do hope that this new forum is a supplement to, and not a
substitution for, the current email based Tor lists.

Whilst a web based forum may indeed be "new, fancy and shiny" it has
distinct drawbacks, not least the need for an account, but also its
use of cookies. I suspect that many Tor users or relay admins will find
that a retrograde step, if not a distinct turn off.


 Mick Morgan
 gpg fingerprint: FC23 3338 F664 5E66 876B  72C0 0A1F E60B 5BAD D312

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