Ooni nowadays is really downgraded capabilities compared to old Ooni, no
test for middle boxes , network tampering ...etc. And there is only
proprietary operating systems support Windows and Mac come on....
Maria Xynou:
Hello friends,
Over the last month (between 10th June 2020 to 3rd July 2020), we
organized and hosted the first virtual Internet Measurement Village
(IMV), which featured 18 presentations on internet measurement projects,
censorship measurement efforts, advocacy efforts fighting internet
shutdowns, and censorship circumvention tool projects.
As all the IMV sessions were live-streamed and will continue to live on
the OONI YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/OONIorg), we hope
that these recordings will serve as a valuable resource on internet
measurement for the internet freedom community.
We published a blog post where we share the video recording & slides of
each IMV presentation: https://ooni.org/post/2020-imv-slides-recordings/
Please help share these resources:
Warm thanks to the IMV presenters for sharing their important work with
the community! Special thanks to everyone who tuned in and shared
questions, comments, and resources.
All the best,
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