Hello, My name is Rafael Bonifaz and I work at Centro de AutonomÃa Digital - CAD[1]. We are an organization based in Quito - Ecuador that creates FLOSS applications for online privacy and security.
Our latest project is call Wahay that combines two great projects: Mumble and Tor. The user interface is similar to Zoom, where you can start a meeting or join a meeting. When you start a Wahay meeting, in the background it starts a Mumble server (Grumble) and publish it as a Onion Service. To join the meeting other people would copy the onion address into the Wahay client and in the background it would start a torify Mumble that would connect to the Onion Address. To simplify the audio configuration in Mumble it automatically starts in push to talk mode where you would use right control key to talk. The user experience is more like a Walkie Talkie than to a conventional VoIP conference application. At the moment it is available for Linux and in the near future we plan to make it compatible versions for Windows and Mac. We have installation instructions for several Linux distributions[2]. You should be able to join a Wahay meeting with a torify Mumble in any operating system. There is work in progress in Mumla (Android Mumble client - Plumble fork) to make it friendly to join torify Mumble[3]. You might want to take a look to that nice project. Wahay is GPL v3 and you can find the code in Github[4]. If you speak Spanish you could listen to how it works in this radio interview[5]. We used Wahay for a live interview and it worked pretty well :). Have a nice weekend and please if you have time help us test it. Best, Rafael [1] https://autonomia.digital [2] https://wahay.org/documentation/getting-started/installation/index.html and the webiste in general https://wahay.org [3] https://gitlab.com/quite/mumla/-/issues/3 [4] https://github.com/digitalautonomy/wahay [5] https://archive.org/details/sonambules_wahay
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