On 04/07/2020 08:32 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> Voice and video conferencing apps can and do
> work over I2P, Tor, Phantom, etc.
> Use the lowest quality, bandwidth, window size,
> frame rate, etc settings possible.
> UDP and IPv6 can and do work over all three of the above networks.
> With .onion (.i2p) use OnionCat (GarliCat) to enable UDP and IPv6.
> Search this list for all the cool things you can do with OnionCat.
> Get it here...
> https://www.onioncat.org/
> https://github.com/rahra/onioncat

Yes, VoIP via UDP works very well through Tor with OnionCat. However,
both endpoints must be running Tor and OnionCat. Basically, all devices
running Tor and OnionCat have IPv6 addresses in the same /48 subnet. So
any such device can connect with any other. But _not_ with any other
IPv6 (or IPv4) address. Unless someone setup a router, I suppose.

> Tor exits still don't offer any IP VPN termination services
> to tor circuits. So for UDP over tor exit, use your own or
> a third party VPN, shell, proxychain etc that offers UDP.

Yes, you can route VPNs through Tor. However, I don't recommend doing
that except in Whonix. Otherwise, there's too much risk that the VPN
will connect directly, instead of through Tor, and blow your anonymity.

You could use a commercial VPN service, or run your own VPN server in a
VPS. But either way, you'd need to do everything ~anonymously through
Tor. Or in other words, your anonymity using the VPN via Tor will be
limited by how anonymously you paid for the VPN service or VPS. So that
means well-mixed Bitcoin, or better perhaps Monero.

All things considered, it'd be simpler, and arguably more anonymous, if
you can force Jitsi to use TCP via plain Tor.
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