Hi Georg!

I know that TBB based on firefox-esr, but as is see ff 68 has Wayland




Seems like fractional scaling is pain to firefox.

Best regards,


On 3/27/20 10:51 AM, Georg Koppen wrote:
> Daniel Gorbe:
>> Hi!
>> I recently installed Kali with Wayland support.
>> I enabled fractional scaling because of hidpi monitor, using 150% scale.
>> Im trying to setup TBB, but the screen is blur.
>> The only firefox version i can setup properly is nightly.
> Tor Browser is not based on Firefox Nightly but on Firefox 68 ESR. So,
> if this feature is not even available in a Firefox release yet, it's no
> surprise that Tor Browser does not have it. If it's not too invasive it
> might be possible to backport. Thus, figuring out which Mozilla bug this
> got fixed in could be a good next step towards Tor Browser support.
> Georg
>> Do i missed something, or TBB dont support fractional scaling?
>> I tried the Alpha version and the repo's version. None of them working.
>> Thanks,
>>     g0rbe
Daniel Gorbe
GNU/Linux System Administrator - IT Security Specialist
PGP: 0x5AEB729B3E642A16
Web: https://danielgorbe.com

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