On 3/3/2020 10:15 AM, David Fifield wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 09:24:19AM +0100, john doe wrote:
>> On 2/28/2020 3:32 AM, David Fifield wrote:
>>> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 08:06:35PM +0100, john doe wrote:
>>>> I get stuck at 50% while trying to connect.
>>>> Is there specific ports that are required to be opened?
>>> 50% is the point where Tor needs to download the consensus, which can
>>> take a few minutes the first time you run the browser. (Because it's
>>> several megabytes and Tor doesn't have a cached copy yet.) If you wait a
>>> few minutes it should make progress past 50%. It's possible that your
>>> Snowflake proxy stopped working in the middle of the bootstrap process.
>>> If you restart the browser it should work the second time.
>>> If you keep getting stuck at 50%, click "Copy the Tor log" and let us
>>> know what it says.
>>> You don't need to open any ports. Thanks for testing.
>> According to my firewall logs, snowflake does require outbound UDP
>> connections.
>> How can I restrickt snowflake to use tcp 80/443 for outbound connections?
> You're right, it does require UDP connections. There's no way to
> configure it to use specific ports, because the peer-to-peer WebRTC
> connection with a Snowflake proxy doesn't work like that. I don't think
> that Snowflake will work if you have a deny-by-default local firewall.

What range of UDP port do I need to open for snowflake to work properly
alternatively how can I restrict the UDP port used by snowflake?

John Doe
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