Please see the current status here:
Quick reminder: this is a javascript implementation of the Tor protocol inside nodes and browsers Phase 4 (evented pipes) has been developped (self funded) but is not fully tested/released, however the doc is here:, it allows to simply anonymize any protocol piping it to the Tor protocol We were about to implement phase 5 (elliptic crypto, Tor v3 features and WebRTC) but are running out of funding, while we have self funded the vast majority of this project since 2012 we can't continue (thanks to NLnet for supporting phases 1 to 3) and are looking for funding to complete this work (cf above link) The timing is supposed to be now because restarting such a project in months or years is not trivial and despite of the huge efforts for the refactoring/update/cleaning of the initial code and split into modules it's probably still difficult to use/integrate/modify (see, it will become quite easy if the project goes to its targeted phase The code is subtle and minimal, it represents only 1MB browserified not minified, so 500kB minified, which is quite small for what it does with zero external dependencies, redevelopping everything from scratch would be long and difficult Some examples of what node-Tor does (as nodes or inside browsers using WebSockets/WebRTC/XHR): http.pipe(parser).pipe(gzip).pipe(tls).pipe(node-Tor) ipfs.pipe(node-Tor) webtorrent.pipe(node-Tor) bitcoin | node-Tor | bitcoin (via stdin/stdout or using IPC) Of course the Tor protocol itself might not be enough and each project might have to design the full anonymization system (peer discovery, introduction, etc) but they can rely on node-Tor to implement the Tor protocol (not to be misunderstood again with the Tor network) It does implement direct p2p via the Tor protocol or via RendezVous (RDV) points using also Tor protocol hops to connect to them, the peers advertise what they have or do using a hash to the RDV points they are connected to, please see Example: by convention a bitcoin node could advertise a hash of "Satoshi Nakamoto" to tell it is a bitcoin node, then bitcoin nodes will connect to each others via RDV points or several Tor protocol hops requesting this hash, they can also connect directly via several hops for well known bitcoin nodes that don't need to hide themselves but want to hide to whom they are connected to, which can be wallets too, for example to hide who originated a transaction Since peers are implementing both direct p2p and RDV functions (both via Tor protocol hops), and can extend to other peers as peers or RDV points again, it becomes difficult to understand who is doing what and how many hops finally are used between the peers (suggested setting for p2p is 2 hops instead of 3 for a Tor protocol circuit, knowing that the number of hops can extend via RDV points) This is the current design and can of course be adapted It would look logical that this techno is integrated natively one day inside browsers, again it must not be misunderstood with what the Tor Browser is doing (with many specific features inside the browser itself) and is not a replacement for it, this is different but could be used also by the Tor network with browsers acting as real Tor nodes (a bit à la Snowflake but not only relaying messages via WebRTC, implementing the Tor protocol inside browsers), or uproxy-like for those that remember it -- Move your coins by yourself (browser version): Bitcoin transactions made simple: Zcash wallets made simple: Bitcoin wallets made simple: Get the torrent dynamic blocklist: Check the 10 M passwords list: Anti-spies and private torrents, dynamic blocklist: Peersm : torrent-live: node-Tor : GitHub : -- tor-talk mailing list - To unsubscribe or change other settings go to