I have to disagree with this statement by "m...@nothingtohide.nl":

-   - only run middle relays on very high clocked CPUs (4-5 Ghz).

Using hardware AES acceleration, older CPU's are fine.

For example, you can get Xeon E3-1231 v3 server CPU's (LGA1150) for around 
$9,99 a piece, and they run at 3,4 GHz default, and have a boost clock of up to 
3,8 GHz.

In a dual socket system, that's 16 logical cores at 3,8 GHz.

Our colocated server only had a CPU with 2.00 GHz, and 2.50 GHz boost clock, 
yet when I ran my exit node without any rate limit, it could still do 350 

I assume the higher clocked Xeon that I mentioned could easily do 500 MBit/s 
per core and relay when using hardware AES acceleration.


So, 16 x 500 MBit/s = 8GBit/s.

If you were to deploy this exact machine, I would set NumCPUs to 2, so that 
compression/decompression and onionskin decryption operations won't choke the 
main thread.

Also, I would rate limit each relay to 85-95% of it's possible bandwidth, to 
still have CPU headroom for DNS and the aforementioned operations.

I never used a local DNS resolver, instead I relied on Cloudflare DNS using 
systemd-resolved with DNS over TLS and DNSSEC enabled - DNSSEC is very 
important, otherwise resolved will cache invalid DNS lookups.

All the best,
On Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 at 11:23 PM, mail--- via tor-relays 
<tor-relays@lists.torproject.org> wrote:

> Hi,

> Many people already replied, but here are my (late) two cents.

> > 1) If a full IPv4 /24 Class C was available to host Tor relays, what are 
> >some optimal ways to allocate bandwidth, CPU cores and RAM to maximize 
> >utilization of the IPv4 /24 for Tor?

> "Optimal" depends on your preferences and goals. Some examples:

> - IP address efficiency: run 8 relays per IPv4 address.
> - Use the best ports: 256 relays (443) or 512 relays (443+80).
> - Lowest kernel/system congestion: 1 locked relay per core/SMT thread 
> combination, ideally on high clocked CPUs.
> - Easiest to manage: as few relays as possible.
> - Memory efficiency: only run middle relays on very high clocked CPUs (4-5 
> Ghz).
> - Cost efficiency: run many relays on 1-2 generations old Epyc CPUs with a 
> high core count (64 or more).

> There are always constraints. The hardware/CPU/memory and bandwidth/routing 
> capability available to you are probably not infinite. Also the Tor Project 
> maximizes bandwidth contributions to 20% and 10% for exit relay and overall 
> consensus weight respectively.

> With 256 IP addresses on modern hardware, it will be very hard to not run in 
> to one of these limitations long before you can make it 'optimal'. Hardware 
> wise, one modern/current gen high performance server only running exit relays 
> will easily push enough Tor traffic to do more than half of the total exit 
> bandwidth of the Tor network.

> My advice would be:
> 1) Get the fastest/best hardware with current-ish generation CPU IPC 
> capabilities you can get within your budget. To lower complexity with keeping 
> congestion in control, one socket is easier to deal with than a dual socket 
> system.

> (tip for NIC: if your switch/router has 10 Gb/s or 25 Gb/s ports, get some of 
> the older Mellanox cards. They are very stable (more so than their Intel 
> counterparts in my experience) and extremely affordable nowadays because of 
> all the organizations that throw away their digital sovereignty and privacy 
> of their employees/users to move to the cloud).

> 3) Start with 1 Tor relay per physical core (ignoring SMT). When the Tor 
> relays have ramped up (this takes 2-3 months for guard relays) and there 
> still is considerable headroom on the CPU (Tor runs extremely poorly at scale 
> sadly, so this would be my expectation) then move to 1 Tor relay per thread 
> (SMT included).

> (tip: already run/'train' some Tor relays with a very limited bandwidth (2 
> MB/s or something) parallel to your primary ones and pin them all to 1-2 
> cores to let them ramp up in parallel to your primary ones. This makes it 
> *much* less cumbersome to scale up your Tor contribution when you 
> need/want/can do that in the future).

> 4) Assume at least 1 GB of RAM per relay on modern CPUs + 32 GB additionally 
> for OS, DNS, networking and to have some headroom for DoS attacks. This may 
> sound high, especially considering the advice in the Tor documentation. But 
> on modern CPUs (especially with a high clockspeed) guard relays can use a lot 
> more than 512 MB of RAM, especially when they are getting attacked. Middle 
> and exit relays require less RAM.

> Don't skimp out on system memory capacity. DDR4 RDIMMs with decent 
> clockspeeds are so cheap nowadays. For reference: we ran our smaller Tor 
> servers (16C@3.4Ghz) with 64 GB of RAM and had to upgrade it to 128 GB 
> because during attacks RAM usage exceeded the amount available and killed 
> processes.

> 5) If you have the IP space available, use one IPv4 address per relay and use 
> all the good ports such as 443. If IP addresses are more scarce, it's also 
> not bad to run 4 or 8 relays per IP address. Especially for middle and exit 
> relays the port doesn't matter (much). Guard relays should ideally always run 
> on a generally used (and generally unblocked) port.


> > 2) If a full 10 Gbps connection was available for Tor relays, how many CPU 
> >cores, RAM and IPv4 addresses would be required to saturate the 10 Gbps 
> >connection?

> That greatly depends on the CPU and your configuration. I can offer 3 
> references based on real world examples. They all run a mix of 
> guard/middle/exit relays.

> 1) Typical low core count (16+SMT) with higher clockspeed (3.4 Ghz) saturates 
> a 10 Gb/s connection with ~18.5 physical cores + SMT.
> 2) Typical higher core count (64+SMT) with lower clockspeed (2.25 Ghz) 
> saturates a 10 Gb/s connection with ~31.5 physical cores + SMT.
> 3) Typical energy efficient/low performance CPU with low core count (16) with 
> very low clockspeed (2.0 Ghz) used often in networking appliances saturates a 
> 10 Gb/s connection with ~75 physical cores (note: no SMT).

> The amount of IP addresses required also depends on multiple factors. But I'd 
> say that you would need between the amount and double the amount of relays of 
> the mentioned core+SMT count in order to saturate 10 Gb/s. This would be 
> 37-74, 63-126 and 75-150 relays respectively. So between 5 and 19 IPv4 
> addresses would be required at minimum, depending on CPU performance level.

> RAM wise the more relays you run, the more RAM overhead you will have. So in 
> general it's better to run less relays at a higher speed each than run many 
> at a low clock speed. But since Tor scales so badly you need more Relays 
> anyway so optimizing this isn't easy in practice.


> > 3) Same for a 20 Gbps connection, how many CPU cores, RAM and IPv4 
> >addresses are required to saturate?

> Double the amount compared to 10 Gb/s.


> Good luck with your Tor adventure. And let us know your findings with 
> achieving 10 Gb/s when you get there :-).

> Cheers,

> tornth


> Feb 3, 2025, 18:14 by tor-relays@lists.torproject.org:

> > Hi All,
> > 

> > Looking for guidance around running high performance Tor relays on Ubuntu.
> > 

> > Few questions:
> > 1) If a full IPv4 /24 Class C was available to host Tor relays, what are 
> > some optimal ways to allocate bandwidth, CPU cores and RAM to maximize 
> > utilization of the IPv4 /24 for Tor?
> > 

> > 2) If a full 10 Gbps connection was available for Tor relays, how many CPU 
> > cores, RAM and IPv4 addresses would be required to saturate the 10 Gbps 
> > connection?
> > 

> > 3) Same for a 20 Gbps connection, how many CPU cores, RAM and IPv4 
> > addresses are required to saturate?
> > 

> > Thanks!
> > 

> > 

> > Sent with Proton Mail secure email.


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