You likely discovered a way, how criminals (or Intel agencies, since there is no difference) are being allowed access to middle relays.


On 10/29/24 04:47, mick wrote:
On Tue, 29 Oct 2024 06:52:13 +0100
Ralph Seichter via tor-relays <>
allegedly wrote:

* Pierre Bourdon:

A few hours ago I received a forwarded abuse report from Hetzner for
one of my machines running a Tor relay (not exit). Some random ISP
was claiming I was sending SSH connections to them [...]
Same here. Middle relay, automated abuse report forwarded by Hetzner,
for alleged scans of TCP port 22 across several related IPv4 class-C
networks. I wondered if that was a mistake on the reporting third
party's end, but given that I am not the only on, it seems there is
more to it.
Me too. Middle relay on Hetzner. Alleged SSH scans from my relay. I
have not yet had time to investigate, but will do so later today.


  Mick Morgan
  gpg fingerprint: FC23 3338 F664 5E66 876B  72C0 0A1F E60B 5BAD D312

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