Hi Roger,

> There is a fine policy question here, which is "ok so what now? Do we leave 
> them in place or bump them out of the network?"

This is just my experience, but reaching single node operators has become 
notoriously difficult - I frequently use metrics to find out-of-date / 
potentially vulnerable nodes and e-mail the associated e-mail address.

On average 10% actually respond, but most don't care or simply forgot about 
their exclusively for Tor-purposes made e-mail address.

I usually wait 48 hours, and if they didn't respond by then, I try again and 
wait another 24 hours. Most people actively monitoring their inbox would have 
either replied within 2 days, or after the second e-mail.

If nothing happened after 2 e-mails and 3 work days, I usually give up.

The fact that cups even binds to public interfaces and doesn't come by default 
with a whitelist for LAN networks is mind-boggling.

I don't have any advice regarding flagging these nodes to be rejected by 
clients, since I don't know the volume of traffic they transport on a daily 

Regarding scanning (exit) nodes for malicious behavior or vulnerabilities, I am 
all for it (as frequent as resources allow, but as fine-grained and accurate as 
possible at the same time)  - I don't know the predicted percentage of LEO-ran 
nodes right now, but any percentage is too high.

however, I know that it can be extremely hard to distinguish.

I think nusenu had some great articles on the problem, and also some effective 
tools & algorithms to detect malicious nodes.

Just my 2 cents..

All the best,
George Hartley

On Sunday, September 29th, 2024 at 6:15 AM, Roger Dingledine 
a...@torproject.org wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 09:41:29AM -0400, George via tor-relays wrote:

> > There are some very significant recent CVEs out for CUPS, the unix
> > printing system.
> > 

> > https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=cups
> > [...]
> > Needless to say, a CUPS server listening on 631/tcp or 631/udp while
> > providing Tor access is a bad idea.

> George and I took the opportunity to scan relays and bridges to see if
> they have this vulnerable cups-browsed service running. We found 14 relay
> IP addresses that did, and 4 bridge IP addresses. This is a pretty good
> rate overall!

> (I had been expecting to find more bridges, because they're more likely
> to be at home and people might be running them from their stock Ubuntu
> desktop install or the like. But we found very few, and maybe that is
> because at many homes everything is NATed/firewalled by default.)

> 12 of the 18 had proper contactinfo and I emailed them. One bounced,
> one replied and fixed it, and the others haven't replied yet.

> There is a fine policy question here, which is "ok so what now? Do we
> leave them in place or bump them out of the network?"

> I figure I'll wait a week or so and scan these 18 again. But I fear that
> the package "fix" will just correct a buffer overflow or something and it
> will leave the "they listen to the whole internet and add any printers
> that the internet sends them" behavior intact (because one is a bug,
> the other is a feature), so my scan won't actually be able to tell if
> they updated. Fortunately, which next step we choose doesn't matter much
> here, because the numbers we're talking about are so small.

> There is a larger conversation we could have, around whether we should
> make vulnerability scanning of relays a more common or automated or scaled
> thing. I like the idea in theory but in practice I don't think it should
> be a high priority compared to our other network health priorities.

> I'm tracking details and next steps about the cups issue on the gitlab
> ticket,
> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/analysis/-/issues/83

> --Roger

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