Your node has low Consensus Weight. Also your node is not marked as "Fast"
Normal that happens between a week. Also advertised traffic is very low.

Low Consensus Weight (like 11) could be due to several factors:

   1. *Low Bandwidth*: If your node has a limited bandwidth or is not
   properly configured to advertise its available bandwidth, it might get a
   lower weight.
   2. *Unstable or Intermittent Availability*: Nodes that are frequently
   going offline or showing unstable behavior will have a lower consensus
   3. *Geolocation or Restrictions*: Certain regions or configurations may
   cause your node to have reduced visibility or reliability in the eyes of
   Tor's directory authorities.

To improve the consensus weight of a Tor node:

   - Ensure *high uptime* and a reliable internet connection.
   - Advertise higher *bandwidth* if available.
   - Make sure your node is properly configured with the *right ports and


On Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 2:00 PM <>

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Relay suddenly pushing very little traffic (Zachary)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 12:23:52 +0000
> From: Zachary <>
> To: ""
>         <>
> Subject: [tor-relays] Relay suddenly pushing very little traffic
> Message-ID:
> <jOspt2hq9xeYGyZ8fsFy_qO_4d_TtxrOmCJxPIPzAyF948JHR0_2saC8hGGKPkleMwcLMFcXbPVucHhRfnXLZfBjn_Wx2VYGC46r1wpqnaI=@
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello all,
> I am the operator of relay AS11796EntryMiddle.
> This is a strategically placed relay on a 106.4 mbps internet connection
> with no fluctuations in bandwidth available to it. The relay has very good
> peering to major backbone providers such as Arelion which allows many
> people to access it with minimal network hops, which is why I host it in
> that ISP?s network.
> Over the past six months, I typically saw traffic ranging between 15 and
> 70mbps. Now suddenly the relay seemingly can?t efficiently process traffic,
> the advertised bandwidth has tanked, and it?s pushing virtually no data.
> I am running Tor 4.8.12 installed from the official Tor repositories in
> Ubuntu 22.04 with OR port 9001. The entire network is an EdgeRouter plugged
> into WAN and then a firewall rule letting traffic hit the host for Tor. The
> relay is indeed working, but everyday it seems that less and less traffic
> is getting through (this is very evident on Tor metrics.) TCP connections
> are not exhausted so I?m pretty confused what?s going on.
> Any thoughts? Not trying to waste anyone?s time just don?t want this relay
> to go to waste.
> Thanks,
> Zachary
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