On Sat, 17 Aug 2024 19:35:46 -0600
Landon <re...@mynetblog.com> wrote:

> The Raspberry Pi is a perfect computer to run Tor because it has 8 GB
> RAM, is tiny, only uses a max of 25 watts of power and works great as
> a network server. Plus, I don't have to leave my big power hungry
> desktop computer on all the time to run Tor.

If you have an RPi with 8GB of RAM you have either a RPi4 or RPi5. They
both have aarch64/arm64-capable processors, and many Linux distros with
support for this arch have aarch64 packages of the Tor daemon you can
use + deb.torproject.org has aarch64 builds for bookworm.

I suggest installing a aarch64 OS, Raspberry Pi OS has aarch64 images
for example.

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