I see it is an exit relay, maybe switching down to a middle/guard would reduce the abuse emails coming and mean you would be be able to keep running it?

Middle relays only need occasional check in, upgrades when they are released (I think every few months) and a downtime mointor to auto inform you

Just something to consider, as the more people running individual relays helps network diversity, and this will probably be gathered into a large relay family (depending on who reply’s)

On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 14:11, p...@coffswifi.net <p...@coffswifi.net> wrote:
Hi all,

I own coffswifi4 in Spain. I don't have the time to maintain or upgrade. I'm willing to keep on paying for the hosting but wonder if someone wishes to take over the account and build a new server and upgrade.


Sent from my Huawei phone
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