On Friday, March 18th, 2022 at 23:06, Thoughts <thoug...@kevinsthoughts.com> 

> Currently running both a guard relay and a bridge, one each on two
> different systems, but both behind the same firewall and static IP.
> Curious if this is a good idea, or if one or the other is of much
> greater value.

(Guard) Relay IP addresses are publicly available to anyone. Running a bridge 
on an IP address that is already publicly known to run Tor, kind of defeats the 
purpose of a bridge: to allow people to connect from regions that block Tor.

> Seeing about 2200 inbound, 2800 outbound connections on my relay per
> nyx, with an observed speed of 5 MB/s (only a few days into the guard
> ramp-up phase)
> Seeing about 20 connected clients on the bridge, which is advertising
> 2.2 MiB/s per the metrics page. R/W rates around around 150k per that
> same page, about 1/4th of the average on the guard relay.
> Thoughts?

I see similar results (within a factor of 2) for an obfs4 bridge here.
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