One of my bridges has just taken on a slew of new connections.  Over the last few days it's gone from an average of around 15 users to over 300 (according to tor metrics.  The logs show over 1,000 unique clients for the same period).  Unfortunately with the VPS provider I'm using, this isn't sustainable as I'll probably blow my bandwidth allowance in a matter of days and the excess charges are crazy.

So I'm looking to move both my bridges to a new VPS, which unfortunately is probably going to p!ss off the 300 plus folks who have just found my bridge only for it to promptly disappear, as I'm certain that there's no way to "move" them to the new location and have a couple of questions.

I'm guessing that the only advantage in copying over the keys directory is that the historical statistics will remain.

Is there any reason to copy over the pt_state directory, to retain the same bridgeline information.

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