On Donnerstag, 3. März 2022 16:40:42 CET Martin Gebhardt wrote:

> I don't understand the analogy in his phrase. I'm not a native English 
> speaker.
Yes, I understand German better too.
I took a closer look at the site. Pretty hidden on council.re -> Projects:

"The Tor Relay Foundation (TRF) is here to give back to the Tor project and to 
help build the infrastructure.
There are about 7000 active tor relays and 8 million daily estimated tor 
users. That's not enough! We need more people here.
One of the bottlenecks of the darknet is the amount of people that the Tor 
network can support. Fast connectivity depends on a lot of active tor nodes. 
More nodes, faster speed, more satisfied customers. It's pretty simple maths. 
If you want to seriouly make a dent in the business world, you need to possess 
the infrastructure to cater to the people who want to visit your service in 
the first place.
Are you the administrator or marketing guru of a darknet service? Are you 
constantly complaining about the Tor network providing unsatisfactory 
infrastructure for your valued customers?
Would you like to give back to the community that has been supporting you 
since you released your project?"

They don't collect donations from average users, but from DNM sysadmins.
OK, generally quite good to encourage some DNM admins to fund or operate Tor 
relays. DNM is of course not good advertising for the Tor Project and Relay 
operators ;-) It's hard enough to find ISP's for Tor exit relays as it is.

Because of the BTC & XMR donation addresses:
Monero blockchain obfuscate transactions to achieve anonymity.
Serious projects list the view key for the monero donation address.

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

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