I would assume it’s the bandwidth. Your bandwidth isn’t enough to operate as a guard. If you check other relays from the same Autonomous System as yours, there are machines with similar to your bandwidth but have been up for longer than 150+ days and they’re not guards. 

On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 15:45, Security GMVSES <securit...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Mr./Mrs.,

As I really like the Deep Web field, and wanted to know about Tor, I decided to create a guard relay, which is this one:

I did all the configurations required, but after a couple of weeks, this relay is not considered a guard relay (entry relay) yet.

I am contacting you because I don't understand why my relay is not considered as a guard relay (entry relay), since I already have the following flags: Fast, HSDir, Running, Stable, V2Dir, Valid.

My configuration is:

Nickname securitses

ContactInfo securit...@gmail.com

ORPort 443

ExitRelay 0

ExitPolicy reject *:*

SocksPort 9050

AccountingStart day 0:00

AccountingMax 30 GBytes

BandwidthRate 301 KBytes

BandwidthBurst 350 KBytes

ControlPort 9051

HashedControlPassword <Hashed_password>

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,


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