On Sunday, October 3, 2021 6:52:46 PM CEST Bleedangel Tor Admin wrote:

> The troubleshooting page for an overloaded relay mentions running
> metricsport, but with no instructions or even links to anywhere to explain
> how to do this.

marco@w530:~$ man torrc | grep Metrics
       MetricsPort [address:]port [format]
           access policy with MetricsPortPolicy and consider using your 
operating systems firewall features for defense in depth.
           MetricsPortPolicy must be defined else every request will be 
               MetricsPortPolicy accept
       MetricsPortPolicy policy,policy,...
           Set an entrance policy for the MetricsPort, to limit who can access 
it. The policies have the same form as exit policies below, except that port 
specifiers are ignored. For multiple entries, this line can be used
           Please, keep in mind here that if the server collecting metrics on 
the MetricsPort is behind a NAT, then everything behind it can access it. This 
is similar for the case of allowing localhost, every users on the server

And David explained to me:

> My relay has a dirport of 9030 in my config and nyx confirms this. The relay
> status website says I have no dirport configured.

Check iptables or port forward on your router.

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

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