I have a question and I don't know were I have to look at. I am running
a relay (compiled from source) on Raspberry Pi OS Buster. Tor is runs under the user "pi", so the tor logfile has also the user permission (chown pi logfile).
Tor starts via crontab (@reboot) but after a reboot the user of the 
logfile changed to "debian-tor". After every reboot I have to change it 
back to "pi".
Are you sure Tor is runnig under user “pi” and not “debian-tor”? What is the value of the “User” option in torrc? Who is the process owner: see in `htop`, `top` or similar?
  Another question is, what’s the reasoning behind switching from a 
dedicated user to the default system account⁽¹⁾ shared with other services?
¹ No Raspberry Pi OS Buster here, but googling indicates “pi”
  is the default user on a fresh install.

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