Dear relay operators, In the last years, during Tor meetups, assemblies, workshops, mailing lists threads, and other gatherings with relay operators, we have discussed topics like relay operational security and good practices, code of conduct, transparency, sustainability, and many more important topics.
We believe that it's time and necessary to have an explicit document with these topics to foster and guide good practices in the Tor relay community. This document aims to set some expectations of maintaining the Tor network infrastructure, i.e., Tor relays. To give you an overview of the proposal, it has five topics: 1. Keep users safe 2. Maintain good system op-sec 3. Make sure your relay isn't broken 4. Sustainability 5. Community You can read the draft proposal here: And submit your feedback in this ticket: ## Deadline We are opening the document for community consultation and feedback today, April 13, 2021, and you can submit your contribution until May 10, 2021. After closing this public call, we will evaluate and incorporate the relevant feedback into this document's final version. The Expectations for Relay Operators will be published on the Community portal[1] and used to guide our community. ## How to contribute and give feedback After reading the proposal, you can request a GitLab account[2]. If you want to contribute anonymously, you can submit your contribution using Anon-Ticket, which does not require you to create an account. ### Contributing using Anon-Ticket 1. Visit the website: 2. Click on "Create Identifier." 3. Save your unique identifier and click on "Login with This Identifier." 4. Select "See a list of all projects" > The Tor Project / Community / Relays > Look for issue #18 > Click on "New Note". 5. Write your feedback and click "Create Note". 6. Finally, a moderator will approve your feedback. Feel free to discuss and reach out to the relays operators community on IRC ( #tor-relays) or the tor-relays mailing list. Thanks for running relays! Gus ## Notes [1] Community portal Relay Operations: [2] GitLab account creation: Or -- The Tor Project Community Team Lead http://expyuzz4wqqyqhjn.onion/
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