
I'm pretty sure that this error is emitted because Tor parses the
address "as is" and doesn't remove the spaces, so try specifying your
addresses like this:

ORPort [2a02:2b88:2:1::3239:0]:38619

I'm pretty sure that this will fix your problem.

- William

On 09/04/2021, ML Tor <ml.tor.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Hi to all.
> I have recently created 4 TOR relays on two different ISPs (frantech.ca and
> yourserver.de). They work smoothly with IPv4.
> Now I wanted to add IPv6 as well, as both ISPs provide a / 64 address.
> In my torrc file I have inserted these two lines:
> ORPort nnnn.nnnn.nnnn.nnnn: 8001
> ORPort [2605: 6400: 10: 55c: 199: 195: 250: 83]: 8001
> But I get this error: "[NOTICE] Unable to find IPv6 address for ORPort
> 8001. You might want to specify IPv4Only to it or set an explicit address
> or set Address."
> Then only the IPv4 address is enabled. I have done various tests but I
> cannot find the solution.
> Can you tell me the correct configuration? :-)
> --
> F1D75392BBB9E8D165A918F7DC8E270BCA67D720
> 9EA17159838F930F4D63757692AC2CE06C45D30E
> F02D242E78E099DFA30AE9C90E47D61C170EE97C
> 3160C0AA71A17811246FDCEAB246326C7D9ED754
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