Running from home is not a good idea as high risk for an exit and in many
countries it would get a visit from the police when your hidden users do bad
things.      Using 4G/5G many land-line and fibre networks might not work,
as most of these services are now behind CGNAT for IP4 addresses.  The world
has runout of those addresses so have to be shared.  No ports at your home
will then be reachable from the outside.  Paying or a fixed IP may fix that
and a fixed IP is needed for tor server.

If your router and service has IPv6, that will give you a range of fixed
IPs.  Then you can let any device on your network (using pinholes) have an
accessible port(s).  Alas, Tor still demands an open IP4port to work.


-----Original Message-----
From: tor-relays <> On Behalf Of Pham
Minh Duc
Sent: 22 September 2020 13:02
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] "Your server (xxxx:443) has not managed to confirm
that its ORPort is reachable."

I'm running Ubuntu Linux, from home. It connect to the internet without
proxy. I'm from Vietnam. I didn't add DirPort to torrc. Can you help me to
fix this?

On 21/09/2020 18:59, wrote:
> On 20.09.2020 08:39, Pham Minh Duc wrote:
>> I've written some rules for iptables like what on your Github but it 
>> didn't work. I also set up virtual server like this:
>> | External port start: 9001 | External port end: 9001 | Internal port
>> start: 9001 | Internal port end: 9001 |
>> Did I configure it right?
> dynamic IP and virtual server?
> Please describe how your machine is connected to the internet and is 
> it at home or in the data center?
> Which operating system?
> You need 2 ports forwarding. Did you add the DirPort to torrc? (& 
> reload tor daemon) Relays do not publish descriptors until their 
> ORPort and DirPort are reachable.

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