On Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 05:35:28PM +0100, li...@for-privacy.net wrote:
> > Whereas if you add your own user to the debian-tor group, and then run
> > nyx
> > as yourself, you are better isolated from pieces of Tor that nyx has no
> > business being able to access.
> Is there anything wrong with usermod in terms of security?
> sudo adduser $USER debian-tor
> sudo usermod -aG debian-tor $USER

I don't know of anything specifically wrong with usermod -aG, but I just
asked a Debian sysadmin, who said that adduser is the much better choice:
adduser handles errors better and more safely, whereas usermod is a much
lower level function where it's easier to hurt yourself.

Sounds like a "feel free to do whichever one you like more, but for our
documentation, we should be pointing people to adduser" situation.


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