Quoting William Denton (2019-09-10 02:16:30)
> I'm reconfiguring things and decided to move a relay from an old laptop to a 
> Raspberry Pi.  I tried it on a Pi Zero W, which is very cheap but also pretty 
> slow, and it just didn't work.  Now I'm trying it on a Pi Four (which has 
> four 
> CPUs and two gigs of RAM) and so far it's working, though it's not moving as 
> much traffic as on the laptop.  There I was doing about 25 gigs a day, and so 
> far now I'm doing about four or five with the same configuration.
> Anyone else running a relay on a Pi?  It's cheap and pretty easy to set up, 
> even 
> if it turns out not to be an enormous contribution to the network.

sure, there are a lot of people doing that. the recent thread about
updating tor recommended that we remind operators that raspbian supports
tor just fine.

assuming you're talking about [0], it looks like the consensus weight
has just ramped up. you might need to wait a little bit longer for the
usage to stabilize. you might also want to increase the
RelayBandwidthBurst. IIRC, 5 Mb/s is a little low for a Pi 4.

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