Dr Gerard Bulger:
> Conclusion...avoid http, 80 ?
> https://blog.duszynski.eu/tor-ip-disclosure-through-http-301-cache-poisoning/

From the blog post:

"Use latest version of the Tor browser whenever possible for browsing
web pages."

I think that's the right approach to tackle application level problems
that involve a browser.


> Gerry
> Mobile Device
>> On 3 Jun 2019, at 9:26 pm, Keifer Bly <keifer....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So I am trying to limit as google cloud has strict  pricing plans. Perhaps I 
>> should go back to just running a bridge for now. What would the traffic 
>> limit for a useful relay be? Thanks.
>>> On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 10:40 AM Matt Traudt <pas...@torproject.org> wrote:
>>> On 6/3/19 13:20, Keifer Bly wrote:
>>>> Hi all, so as of Google Clouds pricing plans on outgoing traffic, I am
>>>> attempting to set my relay to hibernate after sending 100 mbits of data
>>>> per month. Does this torrc configuration look like it would do that?
>>>> SOCKSPort 0
>>>> ORPort 65534
>>>> ExitPolicy reject *:*
>>>> ContactInfo keiferDoTblyAtgmaildOtcom
>>>> Nickname torworld
>>>> RelayBandwidthRate 100 MBits
>>>> RelayBandwidthBurst 100 MBits
>>>> AccountingMax 100 MBits
>>>> AccountingStart month 1 00:00
>>>> AccountingRule out
>>>> Thanks all.
>>> 100 Megabits is 12.5 Megabytes, and approximately ~10 page loads of the
>>> average web page these days (as unscientifically eye-balled by me).
>>> Further, setting RBR and RBB to 100 Mbits (per second) means you could
>>> theoretically hit your tiny AccountingMax in the first second of every
>>> month.
>>> An AccountingMax of 100 Megabits is almost assuredly not what you
>>> actually want.
>>> I'm wondering if there was some confusion about the difference between
>>> speed and a simple of bytes. Confusingly, Tor uses the same unit strings
>>> (like "MBits") for both, but mentally we should be adding "per second"
>>> for torrc options like RelayBandwidthRate.
>>> 100 Megabits per second is a reasonable RBR setting for a reasonable
>>> relay. 100 Megabits per month is a useless relay.
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> Matt
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>> -- 
>> --Keifer
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