You can exit to one of (80,443) to at least a /8 to receive it.. So if you add 
an allow 443 on a not so populated /8, it will get the exit flag.. :-)

> On 30 Oct 2018, at 17:30, Spiros Andreou <> wrote:
> Just a note that I believe you will lose the exit flag for not having at 
> least ports 80 and 443 open
>> On October 30, 2018 2:31:15 PM UTC, "Isaac Grover, Aileron I.T." 
>> <> wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> As a followup to my last (and other) posts on this list, I have been 
>> cautioned multiple times of running an exit node from my home.  After 
>> careful consideration and previous direct feedback from this list, I 
>> configured an exit node with the following exit policy, which allows traffic 
>> on ports that are “safe” in my opinion, meaning that they’re not likely to 
>> generate complaints or search warrants.
>> accept *:5228
>> accept *:8333
>> accept *:9418
>> accept *:11371
>> reject *:*
>> Regarding these aforementioned cautions, they all seem to be based on dated 
>> posts and/or irresponsible exit policies.  I would not open any of the web, 
>> email, irc, remote desktop, ssh, etc. ports on an exit node based at home as 
>> those would generate complaints and/or search warrants very quickly, so I am 
>> open to discussion about modifying the groupthink behind this blanket “don’t 
>> run an exit node at home” advice.
>> Make your day great,
>> Isaac Grover, Senior I.T. Consultant
>> Aileron I.T. - "Practical & Proactive I.T. Solutions"
>> O: 715-377-0440, F:715-690-1029, W: 
>> LinkedIn:
>> YouTube:
> -- 
> Spiros Andreou
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