On Sat, Sep 01, 2018 at 04:18:48PM -0400, Roger Dingledine wrote:
On Sat, Sep 01, 2018 at 12:49:37PM +0000, gustavo wrote:
In the last few months I started to monitor more closely my relays
parsing their logs, but every new update changes the log strings. Can the devs
be mindful to relay ops and not change strings needlessly?
Here is an example
Sep 1 00:01:32 serverhostname tor[15341]: Sep 01 00:01:32.042 [notice]
Sep 1 00:01:32 serverhostname Tor[15341]: Sep 01 00:01:32.042 [notice]
Sep 1 00:01:32 serverhostname Tor[15341]: [notice]
I'm logging to syslog
Hi! I've been trying to puzzle through what your bug report might be.
At first I thought it was "starting in 0.3.something, syslog is
including a timestamp in the log entry for some reason", but I just
checked and that doesn't happen to me: running tor git master with
log "notice syslog", I get syslog entries like
Bootstrap messages never got duplicated in my experience,
Sep 1 16:08:23 last-request Tor[19092]: Bootstrapped 45%: Asking for relay
Sep 1 16:08:23 last-request Tor[19092]: Bootstrapped 67%: Loading relay
i see the opposite, at notice i got duplicates but at warn i don't
Sep 2 03:03:22 exit2-sg Tor[1527]: Read configuration file
Sep 2 03:03:22 exit2-sg Tor[1527]: Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
Sep 2 03:06:00 exit2-sg tor[1618]: Sep 02 03:06:00.939 [notice] Read configuration file
Sep 2 03:06:00 exit2-sg tor[1618]: Sep 02 03:06:00.939 [notice] Read configuration file
the duplicates with timestamp come from tor's systemd service, its
while the non-timestamp messages come from tor logging to syslog
I just checked Tor git maint-0.2.9 and it worked this same way too.
So my next thought is that maybe whatever package or tool you are using
is sending stuff to the syslog wrong^Win a way that isn't what you want?
I suggest writing up a way to reproduce your desired behavior and
your undesired behavior, and then if it's a Tor bug, filing a ticket
apologies, one tor instance was running at notice loglevel instead of warn and
made all those inconsistencies with other instances. that's the root
cause of my issues
apologies again
at bugs.torproject.org (and if it's a bug in something else, filing a
ticket in that something else :).
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