
On 20 March 2018 at 18:31, smichel0 <smich...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> from time to time, arm looks like below:
> https://smichel.ocloud.de/index.php/s/q2knnq3AD67rPjK
> But with a simple keystroke (arrow) it runs again. After a few days it
> seems to crash completely:
> https://smichel.ocloud.de/index.php/s/GjwdCLebR4iDkuv
> I dont't know then, if the relay is still working. Last time this happend,
> I simply startet arm again and it worked. But thiis way I will never reach
> the guard-flag :)
> Yours
> SMichel

Mathew is right, Arm is old and broken. Nyx is faster and visual glitch

I used pip install nyx on Raspbian but it looks like you are using Ubuntu,
but give it a try maybe.

I done a quick search and could not find nyx on either Debian & Ubuntu
repos's and on deb.torproject.org. I am not sure why its not even on the
official Tor repo.

If you keep using arm dont worry when things look funny / strange / screen
full of errors it shouldn't break your relay.

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