> Hi,
> If your relay is using too much RAM, please disable CellStatistics.
> (It's not on by default.)

In January 2018 203 relays had it enabled at one point, if you want to reach 
out to them directly
find their contactInfo bellow.

| Felix <zwiebel ta quantentunnel tod de>                                       
| Rotate-13 gbeznf...@ubehf-vg.qr                                               
| Nicholas Merrill <nick AT calyx dot com> 14wntQ8cBdnhUVfYmDjXz6PbpSSX8nCtkr   
| tor-relay-admin robgjansen com | https://onioncount.github.io/                
| Nym <tor.20.sokrat AT spamgourmet.com> 1JH2RueDoXvEaNEdQKByW3mj1C3HquWjcw     
| Justin Lower <jlower AT unknown dot com>                                      
| <zwiebeln at online de> please donate BTC 1K38x9xqK3YDzjehYFAEPzsESEC4ScH5wJ  
| watchme <mydisco .AT. s y s t e m l i DOT o r g>                              
| tor-relay.fastquake@com (swap characters)                                     
| Admin <mirror-admin AT nycbug DOT org>                                        
| Hans Wurscht [tor?x2a?ch]                                                     
| tho...@nybergh.net                                                            
| Sebastian <t...@sebastianhahn.net> - 12NbRAjAG5U3LLWETSF7fSTcdaz32Mu5CN       
| Host:tutanota.comUser:andrewrobbins                                           
| MyTorGuy at hotmail dot com                                                   
| Tor Hostmaster <hostmaster AT jth dot net>                                    
| 0xFEF78709 Mark Lopez <m+tor01 silvenga com>                                  
| 2048R/B8B5E809 Krishna E. Bera <keb at cyblings dot on dot ca>                
| Riseup Networks <collective at riseup dot net> - 
| Bauruine <torcontact aatt tuxli.ch> - 1CVkdZfRGWXETqVu8ctEKKMPC8Xj2Xnqcp      
| Itzhak Daniel <itzhak+...@itk98.net>                                          
| Tor Project <t...@linuxhq.org>                                                
| pap1w+tor AT mailbox dot org                                                  
| Node Operator <operator .AT. molot .DOT. sonsofodin .DOT. space>              
| https://onioncount.github.io/ | https://onionpop.github.io/ | gmail is 
teor2345 | http://tor-relays.net | PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 
968F 094B |
| dhalgren....@gmail.com                                                        
| relay-opera...@riseup.net                                                     
| Nicholas Merrill <nick AT calyx dot com> BTC - 
| pika(das)schwaaan(was)st                                                      
| 0xEFF5B2E180F294CE - <caioau underscore tor at riseup dot net>                
| t o r p r o j e c t () m a i l b o x (dot) o r g                              
| IT <tor AT informatik dot uni-bremen dot de>                                  
| DFRI <tor AT dfri dot se> - 1Muz37TfXVBiJKRJkAqTNo7MnEZN8hhmJQ                
| Pedro <p...@propsychology.cz>                                                 
| Exit by Reporters without Borders via https://www.torservers.net/             
| Nick Merrill <nick AT calyx dot com> 14wntQ8cBdnhUVfYmDjXz6PbpSSX8nCtkr       
| GTor <contact _AT_ gtor _DOT_ org>                                            
| HackThisSite.org                                                              
| https://www.torservers.net/donate.html <support .AT. torservers .DOT. net>    
| Florian Tschorsch <tschor...@informatik.hu-berlin.de>                         
| andiziegler [at] hotmail [dot] com                                            
| 4096R/261C5FBE77285F88FB0C343266C8C2D7C5AA446D Sebastian Hahn 
<t...@sebastianhahn.net> - 12NbRAjAG5U3LLWETSF7fSTcdaz32Mu5CN                   
| MakeSecure Tor Exit Abuse <tor-abuse -AT- makesecure -DOT- nl>                
| CGretski at hotmail dot com                                                   
| 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <hvi AT safe dash mail dot net>                      
| Fred CORNU <tor-admin AT wardsback DOT org> - 
| toradmin AT firemail.cc                                                       
| A43AED4A53F50B846EB7509549DC6A732912A5F3 <tor A_T dmesg.site>                 
| abuse-node49 AT posteo DOT de                                                 
| abuse <abuse AT pzskc383 DOT dp DOT ua>                                       
| 1024D/28988BF5 arma mit edu                                                   
| E-mail: krax45678 tutamail com                                                
| John McDonnell <tor-relay DOT mcdonnjd AT xoxy DOT net>                       
| Cayden_109 AT yahoo DOT com                                                   
| Tor-Admins <toooor AT all DOT de>                                             
| sirmatt ksu edu 0x94FBBB0A https://onioncount.github.io/ 
| 0x44BB1BA79F6C6333 <gfa AT zumbi dot com dot ar>                              
| 2048R/421F554B renke <re...@mobtm.com> fingerprint 82C6 28C1 D2D9 BD82 7454  
9091 E145 9818 421F 554B                                                        
| Hasso <torMINUScontactAThassoDOTspace>                                        
| http://tor.memcpy.io <contact .AT. memcpy .DOT. io>                           
| stefani <nocat at readthefinemanual dot net>                                  
| tor <t...@ncis.ca> - 16FRKc8t2NSRGo8d5BzydggwCD43Q1Wm7Y                       
| Brandon Kuschel <kusch023 AT NOSPAM umn dot edu>                              
| Lim Fich <libsamplerate AT safe SUB mail DOT net>                             
| starlight dot YYYYqQ at binnacle dot cx                                       
| Admin your admin AT domain DOT tld                                            
| 4096R/0415D0561B521C3BC0844E538AC3958C74C1CE2B <ogerhabenschichten AT posteo 
DOT net> - more info for this host at https                                     
| Andersine Sand <Andersine dot Sand AT gmail dot com>                          

twitter: @nusenu_

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