> "Menu" -> "Exit" works here under Gentoo now, but "q" -> "q" still not, after 
> Ctrl-C I do get :

Hi Toralf, that's really puzzling. The menu and 'q' keys should do the
same thing. Just took a peek at the code and I can't spot a sizable
difference. Just tried again a few times to repro but no luck. As
mentioned earlier...

> Per chance were you logging at the DEBUG runlevel at that time? On a
> busy relay the amount of messages that slams the control port with can
> make it slow to shut down. Unfortunately besides that I'm at a loss
> for why it gets stuck for you. Looking at your debug logs would be the
> next step. Happy to discuss it off list if that would be ok.

That stacktrace indicates that Stem is getting stuck while waiting for
the control socket to close. Nothing about it is Nyx specific so
wonder if we'd be able to repro the issue with Stem's integ tests...


Mind giving those a whirl to see if they provide a consistent repro?

Since there's only a single report of this think I'll move forward
with a release but I'd love to sort this out if we're able to get a
good repro case to troubleshoot.

Cheers! -Damian
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