On August 7, 2017  20:07:05 UTC, Igor Mitrofanov <igor.n.mitrofanov at 
gmail.com> wrote:
> The DNS issue is in the "long tail" - rare/unique websites
> are unlikely to be cached, yet they likely represent the
> most interesting targets.
> I do agree that running dnsmasq (or a similar caching resolver) is probably
> sufficient to make DNS attacks too unreliable to invest in.

I have an idea to improve the efficiency of this solution (DNS cache). My idea 
is to make more DNS queries than necessary, in order to hide the useful DNS 
queries among useless DNS queries.

What do you think about this ?

A basic implementation of that improvement would be a script run as a daemon 
that fetches the IP of a random domain name at a random time. The domain name 
being built from random characters or chosen from a list of valid (rarely 
visited) domain names. The average number of dummy DNS queries per day being 
equal to the number of useful DNS queries the exit node has to do per day (it 
doubles the DNS traffic). The list of valid (rarely visited) domain names needs 
to be changed over time (one entry at a time).

A more advanced implementation of that improvement is to only allow the exit 
node to perform DNS queries by bunch of three. Of the three queries, two are 
dummy and random, one is useful. The position of the useful query in the bunch 
(position 1, position 2, or position 3) is chosen randomly.

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