I was under the impression that HidServDirectoryV2 was an obsolete config option. I run

On 7/21/2017 3:42 AM, Scott Bennett wrote:
Vort <vv...@yandex.ru> wrote:

Your message prompted me to check logs, and on one relay I see the following:
Similar thing for me:

Jul 19 00:08:27.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 3571/3571 
TAP, 41180/41180 NTor.
Jul 19 06:08:27.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 2054/2054 
TAP, 29181/29181 NTor.
Jul 19 12:08:28.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 2773/2773 
TAP, 26497/26497 NTor.
Jul 19 18:08:28.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 3970/3970 
TAP, 31344/31344 NTor.
Jul 20 00:08:28.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 4096/4096 
TAP, 41730/41730 NTor.
Jul 20 06:08:28.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 
18285/18285 TAP, 54102/54102 NTor.
Jul 20 12:08:28.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 
61136/61386 TAP, 378196/378339 NTor.
Jul 20 18:08:29.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 
73297/73688 TAP, 566708/566892 NTor.
Jul 21 00:08:29.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 
67165/67830 TAP, 572685/572851 NTor.
Jul 21 06:08:29.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 
31988/32138 TAP, 521455/521536 NTor.
Jul 21 12:08:29.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 5523/5523 
TAP, 222378/222432 NTor.

Also there are too much "[warn] assign_to_cpuworker failed. Ignoring." lines in 
the logs.

      This sort of thing has been going on for many years.  I used to refer
to it as "mobbing".  As nearly as I was ever able to determine, the behavior
is an unintended consequence of hidden services.  I found that I could greatly
reduce the frequency of occurrence, but *not* to zero, by setting

HidServDirectoryV2 0

in my torrc file.  My tentative conclusion was that the majority of these
events are cases in which a relay has been selected as an HSDir to which
a hidden service descriptor has been posted for a very popular hidden service,
so by refusing to be a hidden service directory mirror, those cases can be
eliminated.  I never had a very satisfying hypothesis to explain the remaining
minority of cases.

                                   Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at sdf.org   *xor*   bennett at freeshell.org  *
* "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army."                                               *
*    -- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790         *
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