
I've updated an "old" Debian8 server not plugged since a long time ago,
with Tor from Debian repo,
and when updating it with a "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade",
when Tor package has came, it asked :

    Paramétrage de tor ( ...

    Fichier de configuration « /etc/tor/torrc »
     ==> Modifié (par vous ou par un script) depuis l'installation.
     ==> Le distributeur du paquet a fourni une version mise à jour.
       Que voulez-vous faire ? Vos options sont les suivantes :
        Y ou I  : installer la version du responsable du paquet
        N ou O  : garder votre version actuellement installée
          D     : afficher les différences entre les versions
          Z     : suspendre ce processus pour examiner la situation
     L'action par défaut garde votre version actuelle.
    *** torrc (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [défaut=N] ?

Sry for french, so quickly, it asked if I want to use the new torrc file
from repo, yes or no, and No was the default choice (what I've done).
Tor has automatically restarted without any problem.

So in your case, it can be Webmin automatically answered "Yes" to this
previous question, and the update has removed your torrc file, and the
new has been set up...?
(Ive not used Webmin since many years, I don't know if it can be
possible to upgrade without any questions...?)

Le 21/12/2016 à 23:30, Sec INT a écrit :
> Hi 
> Im using webmin but have done for a number of upgrades and this hasnt 
> happened before but I agree seems more likely to be a package manager issue - 
> just very odd that all torrc were renamed and new default torrc were 
> generated...
> Cheers
> Mark B
> Snaptor.co.uk (non commercial)
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