>Since the consensus weight is the low-median of 5 measurements spread around 
>the US and Western Europe, being in Germany only gets you one good 
>measurement: you need 3 good measurements >to get a high consensus weight.
>From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median :
> Because of this, the median is of central importance in robust statistics, as 
> it is the most resistant statistic, having a breakdown point of 50%: so long 
> as no more than half the data are contaminated, the median will not give an 
> arbitrarily large or small result.

I know what average, median and peak is, thank you for the lecture in high 
school math. The difference in the definitions of peak and average cannot 
possibly account for  the latter being 0.2% of the former in GG2, this ratio 
being pretty stable over the last 100 hours.

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