> On 12 Dec. 2016, at 01:56, Rana <ranaventu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK Tim thanks for the answers, I appreciate your patience with me [even 
> though I "lack programming skills" :) ]
> The one answer of yours that still does not make sense to me is that arm 
> actually means Kbytes/sec and not kbits/sec  when it writes Kb/s
> I have arm reporting average  of at least several tens of Kb/s all the time, 
> and about 100 Kb/s most of the time,  and then I wind up with almost constant 
> 200 bit/sec actual average rate over 6 hours, based on the total number of 
> Mbytes sent that Tor reports in its log file. 
> Even if the 200 bit/sec figure is somehow rounded to 8000 bit/ sec or even 
> 8000 bytes/sec as you suggested , this does not make senseā€¦

Ok, so you didn't say that to start with, you seemed to be saying that
it was constantly showing 100 kb/s.

Perhaps arm is displaying your maximum bandwidth over a certain time?
(I really don't now what bandwidth arm measures.)


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
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