On 12/4/2016 7:39 AM, Rana wrote:
>> For as little as $10.00 US there are VPS' with static ip's..
> Attn: Kurt Besig
> Well I kind o' like my Raspberry Pi that cost me $40 including box and power 
> supply and SD card and door to door delivery, with far more horsepower and 
> memory than needed for running Tor relay, and my free and absolutely stable 
> 1.5mbps that I want to donate to Tor courtesy of my ISP, and my transparent 
> Tor proxy and my hidden service  and my wireless access point that lurk on 
> the same Pi. 
> This is not a good reason to punish my relay. Makes ZERO sense to me and to 
> who knows how many people like me whose relays are flushed down the drain by 
> the current DirAuth algorithms.
> I can think of many an Iranian or Turkish or Chinese or Russian dissident who 
> could use 1.5 mbps bandwidth to communicate with the free world.
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Late to the party however,I'm sorry if you interpreted my response as
being negative, actually I was offering one possible solution. Welcome
to the Community and thanks for running a Tor relay.

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