
Im not sure if I'm entitled to post here, but i think my contribution
might be useful. I am running two relays on dynamic IPs which change
about very 24hours, my advertised bandwidth is around 700KB/s,
Actually used are around 150KB/s which gives about 20% of the
advertised bandwidth. This ratio is of course little bit lower than
the static IP relays but by no means as severe as Rana’s. Maybe Rana’s
configuration might have a problem and we should make a step back and
look closer on Rana’s configuration to figure out what’s going on.

Kind regards

2016-12-04 20:23 GMT, Sec INT <sec.i...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Alan
> If you have more than one relay you add the fingerprint of any other relay
> you run to your torrc file - if say I ran 10 relays and exits there may be a
> chance that you would route through just my servers thus you would not be
> anonymous as I could follow you through from entry to exit.
> In short if you have more than one relay or exit add the fingerprint of the
> other relays exits to your torrc file
> Cheers Snap
>> On 4 Dec 2016, at 19:58, Alan <tor-re...@clutterbuck.uk> wrote:
>> In the UK it depends what ISP your on. Virgin Media gives out static ip's
>> as far as i know. BT (what i'm using) is dynamic, the ip changes every
>> time the router reboots. It reboots when it detects a fault which is
>> normally between 2-4 weeks on average.
>> These are my relays:
>> TheCosmos (running on home ip (raspberry pi))
>> https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/38B330302F1FB79ED11A468FC9DEA8960B842B57
>> MilkyWay (running on Digital Ocean)
>> https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/E856ABA2020AA9C483CC2D9B4C878D8D948B0887
>> Does anyone know what the 'Family Members' does and should my relays have
>> this set?
>>> In Germany, it's quite usual that you have a dynamic IP and unusual that
>>> you have static IP. Not just a few relays are located in Germany.  It's
>>> not just a question of frustration of owners of dynamic IP relay, but
>>> also
>>> a matter of bandwith waste. If Tor cannot handle dynamic IPs properly a
>>> lot of bandwith is not used. And bandwith is something that the Tor
>>> network can not get enough of.
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