I asked this question as well. Currently, they don't have a way to monitor
bandwidth, so they don't charge for usage. However, they ask that
continuous transfer be limited to 300 Mbps.

On Sep 11, 2016 5:46 AM, "Markus Koch" <niftybu...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> They do not bill traffic at the moment, this can change at will of
> DigitalOcean but atm there is no traffic limit and there is no extra
> traffic cost. I will move at once they start billing traffic.
> Markus
> 2016-09-11 12:24 GMT+02:00 Ralph Seichter <tor-relays...@horus-it.de>:
> > On 11.09.2016 12:09, Markus Koch wrote:
> >
> >> > Considering digital oceans traffic pricing, I'm also wondering
> >> > why DO is so popular? https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing/
> >>
> >> You do not have to pay the traffic at the moment.
> >
> > That caught my attention, but browsing the DO pricing table and FAQs, I
> > didn't see any notice that traffic would be free of charge? Don't all
> > droplet servers have a traffic cap, as the pricing table would suggest?
> >
> > -Ralph
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