On Sat, 03 Sep 2016 16:53:25 +0200
Aeris <aeris+...@imirhil.fr> wrote:

> > Could it be that it is due to the quite slow hardware, even though I know
> > that it is able to push more traffic?
> Yep, surely.
> You currently push 3Mbps of traffic, which is correct for this kind of 
> hardware.
> All "cheap" hardware (raspi, banana, olimex, pine…) suffer of the fact they 
> don’t have crypto hardware acceleration and do software encryption. And so is 
> very slow (10-100× factor) even compared to low end amd64 CPU with AES-NI 
> extension.

According to 'openssl speed aes-128-cbc' the Allwinner A20 CPU in Banana Pro is
capable of about 25 MBytes/sec in AES performance. While that won't translate
1:1 into Tor performance, as Farid noted in his case the CPU isn't being a
bottleneck, with only 10-20% CPU load observed.


> According to top the CPU hovers around 10-20% most of the time.

I wonder is it 20% across both cores, which could be 40% of one core (since
Tor is not multithreaded enough), and at least somewhat closer to not being
practically idle. Can you launch 'top' and press '1' there to check?

Also seems unclear why it didn't get the guard flag for so long, does your
public IP address change from time to time? Or do you turn the relay off and
on for whatever reason.

With respect,

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