> On 9 Jul 2016, at 19:00, Toralf Förster <toralf.foers...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Signed PGP part
> I'm just curious, why at my exit relay the bandwidth is constantly around 8 
> MByte/sec in both directions with a 2-3% higher value for the inbound bw 
> whereas the amount of incoming packets is 25% and more higher more than the 
> outgoing packet amount.
> And as always I do have the question in mind: Would that be helpful for an 
> attacker ?

Some packets in and out are Tor cells, which are limited to 512 bytes.
Other packets are exchanged with the wider Internet, and are likely a multiple 
of 512 bytes (from cells) on the way out, but can be any size (from the remove 
website) on the way in.

I don't think it's an issue.


> --
> Toralf
> PGP: C4EACDDE 0076E94E, OTR: 420E74C8 30246EE7
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Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

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