
Thanks for running an exit relay.
That is just an automated email message. You do not want to reply to
every single automated message you receive, firstly because these
replies go into a black hole and they are not read by any humans, so
your effort may be useless.

Generally, you should only reply to abuse reports which are personalized
and properly addressed, indicating a clear problem or concern, sent by
simple internet users, authorities, investigatory bodies, etc. The
emails don't have to come from some organization/government/authority in
order to demand reply, simple concerned users are also rightful to
receive a human written personalized reply. You will quickly learn to
make the difference between an automated message and a real abuse report.

Over 90% of the abuse reports are fail2ban automated emails, emails sent
by intrusion preventing systems / firewalls - some of them clearly state
it's an automated message, others claim not to be responsible for the
content, others are addressed to 'whom it may concern', these are all
the same, copy/pasted text emails spammed to the abuse addresses.

These are not by any means strict rules, you are free to reply to
whatever you want, this is just my advice and purely informational. I
run quite a bunch of exits.

On 6/17/2016 11:12 PM, pa011 wrote:
> Thank you Michael, solving that obviously easy question :-)
> So what was this "attac" then about, on which way, how can I see that ?
> Nice weekend to all
> Paul
> Am 17.06.2016 um 21:53 schrieb Michael Armbruster:
>> On 2016-06-17 at 21:51, pa011 wrote:
>>> Thank you both !
>>> @ Michael: that’s exactly what I did so far and in the past
>>> @ Moritz:  I will try my best - yes it was an automated response with
>>> just an name in Germany and no IP given, that I could possibly block
>>> "HTTP/1.1 404 293..."  are these the ports the traffic went trough ?
>> Hi,
>> Glad to hear other people already helped you out with your first question :)
>> To answer this one: No, this is just the HTTP version (so protocol and
>> version), the HTTP status code (404 for "Not Found"; file was not found
>> on the server) and the size of the message that was transmitted to the
>> client, 293 bytes in this case.
>> Best Regards,
>> Michael Armbruster
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