Exact, it can be a useful tool.
All the servers you own can be shown in a list, and several tools to
manage them like some VPS management where you got everything on the
same place.
I see some operators launching several Tor instances to use many cpu
cores, so it can be nice to have something like this on the same server.

For people who know murmurd (Mumble server, voip), there's a tool to
manage your server(s), it's easy to set up a new instance for example...
To have a look http://yulli.cleanvoice.ru/

I think this tool can be an example for Tor!
But Mumble is listening on a special port to accept this kind of tool,
Tor too if I'm not wrong...
Sadly, I'm not a dev ! If it can give a nice idea to someone ;)

Le 24/05/2016 19:04, Xza a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have a couple relays / exits running.
> Now my question is : how do you manage them is there any dashboard or CLI 
> tools to manage them ( statistics, ect.. )
> I know the cli tool specially for Tor "arm"
> Thanks alot.
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