I agree with Green, the mail is very impolite and looks very
unprofessional, and saying just "stop" and pasting that raw log, makes
me think that they just wanted your attention, hey i see you what you
got there, nothing more than that. They should be addressing you in a
more educated fashion, other than "stop".

I would like to salute everyone and tell everybody that i started a
non-exit tor relay in Uruguay (as well as OONI probe also), where i
live, place that appears not to have any tor relays of any kind. Let's
see how this turns out.

Best regards,

Santiago Roland.-
Jabber: santi...@undernet.uy
GNU Social: http://bit.ly/gnusr
openPGP ID: 5ADF0F53
openPGP key: http://bit.ly/pgpun
CX1DR - Grid Locator: GF25bf

El 20/05/16 a las 14:33, Green Dream escribió:
> I'm questioning the competency of the ISP for several reasons. 1) They
> should be clear in communicating about whatever they view as abuse. Just
> telling you to "stop" without explanation is unprofessional at best. 2)
> This doesn't even look like abuse worth reporting (i.e., "welcome to the
> Internet"). 3) They sent you non-redacted logs containing what looks
> like browsing history of other customers? Wow.
> I would personally just explain you are running a Tor relay. If they
> object, that's within their right really, but it might be time to find a
> new ISP in any case.
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