Ahoy! they are not in chiapas, they don't have a classy AS and (mostly) no esoteric operating systems. But they are cheap, fast and can be run as exit relays: the budget servers from Oneprovider (http://oneprovider.com/dedicated-servers/budget-servers).
Oneprovider resells dedicated servers around the world and they handle all the 'sale' servers from online.net. Following the good/bad isp wiki page Online.net themself don't allow tor relays for quite some time. But oneprovider is "vpn friendly" (email from sales person) and I'm running a couple of exit relays with them for a couple of months. The abuse handling varies and depends on the provider they are reselling from. With the online.net servers I get one abuse mail every (!) monday for every server which states something about stopforumspam. I log in to the managment panel and reply that I'm running a tor server and can do nothing about this because stopforumspam doesn't provide more information and they close the ticket. That's it, never got any other abuse mails (running a reduced exit policy). The VIA Nano U2250 powered dedicated servers (Paris) cost 7€ a month (no setup fee, no ipmi, unlimited transfer) throughput max. is 82 Mbit/s in and out (throughput limit is the cpu, 1 core, no aes-ni, with iptables as in the arch wiki) with linux and max. 74 Mbit/s with freebsd (no pf, libressl, with openssl it's sightly faster¹). The Intel Atom C2350 powered dedicated servers (Paris and Amsterdam) cost 15€ a month (ipmi but no custom iso mount, only linux and windows are offered², unlimited transfer) and pushes ~180 Mbit/s in each direction with one tor instance (linux, stateles iptables and kernel tweaks for 100mbit+ relays from arch wiki and torservers.net, grsecurity kernel). The CPU (2 cores, aes-ni) isn't fully utilised so there is room for another tor instance (I'll move one of my relays there for testing when one of my VIA Nano contracts expire). Running more of these dedicated servers won't help making the tor network 'better' as in diversity (et al.) bus as in citius, altius, fortius. So if you would like to have a new, cheap, fast and easy to care mainstream (exit-)relay: go for it \o/ ¹ I'm no BSD expert and am wondering why stateless pf uses so 'much' more cpu power than statess iptables. Maybe someone can enlighten me :) ² Which I really feel sad about, I was hopeing for beeing the one with the fastest openbsd exit relay in the world - and that for 15 € a month ;) _______________________________________________ tor-relays mailing list tor-relays@lists.torproject.org https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays