
Your relay seams fine on atlas:


It has an observed bandwidth of 582.23 KB/s
Advertised bandwidth of 512 KB/s
and burst 716.8 KB/s

Which is exactly as per your configuration.

The consensus weight is 613, which is totally normal for this value of
observed bandwidth.

Tip: if you are on a limited bandwidth plan, better set AccountingMax
and do not cap the speed via RelayBandwidthRate / RelayBandwidthBurst.
Instead let it run at its maximum speed for less than an entire month
rather than capping it to few KB/s to ensure maximum n GB/TB are
consumed within a month.

On 3/14/2016 6:19 PM, Daryl Styrk wrote:
> Didn't some University just drop 5000 relays into the network?
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 11:13 AM,  <stea...@nym.mixmin.net> wrote:
> I have been watching my middle relay for the past four days and I
> can't figure out why my bandwidth has gone to hell. I have
> RelayBandwidthRate at 500 KB and RelayBandwidthBurst at 700 KB, but
> my bandwidth has fallen almost down to zero. I have removed the
> AccountingMax setting so it should be available for service, but it
> appears to be sitting idle.
> fingerprint is 'stealth A290A9E71ADFC2FB1C80E64EF851A4B905450105'
> Tor Version
> Debian 7.0
> 1 Meg of Memory on VPS

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