You can take it down for some days without losing any flags or consensus 
Had it with my exit i have at home. 
I had to reinstall it and i have the same stats as before. 

Best regards,

> Am 08.03.2016 um 19:26 schrieb Michael McConville <>:
> Zwiebel wrote:
>> Tim Wilson-Brown - teor wrote:
>>>> Zwiebel wrote:
>>>> is there a way to shut down Tor relays for a short time without
>>>> losing consensus weight or bandwidth?
>>> This is a frequently asked question, particularly if you add "losing
>>> flags" to the relay operator's list of concerns.
>> So... is it possible?
> I don't think that short maintenance outages should significantly impact
> consensus weight. Bandwidth takes a little while to ramp back up because
> people need to build circuits through your relay again.
> Anyway, if you need to do maintenance, don't wait. The network benefits
> more from a secure, reliable relay with 5% less consensus weight.  :-)
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