I believe he is referring to Kimsufi's offerings
On 21/08/15 08:21 AM, 12xBTM wrote:
> Do you have a name of that host that will run a dedicated 100Mbps
> unmetered exit for <$10/mo? Because I was looking at Speak Freely's
> suggestion of PulseServers with their "1Gbit unmetered" VPS's for
> $10-$18/mo, which seems pretty reasonable if you get even 20% of that
> bandwidth.
> On 21.8.15 7:43, Steve Snyder wrote:
>> On 08/20/2015 08:42 PM, 12xBTM wrote:
>>> And #2: Cost. Take me for example, I have no trouble handling abuse,
>>> operation, and legal things that take up time, but it's hard to justify
>>> $X/mo towards Tor as opposed to $X/mo towards my student loan.
>> You can rent a real (not virtual) 100Mbps server for less than $10/month.
>> I realize that $10 can be a lot of money if you're struggling to put
>> food on the table.  For others, though, that's the cost of 2 beverages
>> at Starbucks per month.  Not such a burden.
>> There is also the option of donating money to organizations that run
>> exit nodes.  This is less desirable than running an exit yourself (due
>> to further concentration of exit capability by big players) but still
>> beneficial.  I doubt that they would turn away a $5/month donation.
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