* Karsten Loesing schrieb am 2015-07-02 um 09:40 Uhr:
> Please take a look at the design mockup, maybe compare it to the
> existing ExoneraTor service, and let us know your thoughts.

- I find the logo 1 quite nice.
- When a user enters the date field, it might be helpful when some
  calendar-like thingie opens. So the user can jump to the right month,
  select the day and the correct date format is automatically inserted.
  This might help the user to insert the correct format.
- Another approach for wrongly entered dates could be to guess the
  correct date. I suspect that many will make a systematic error
  (exchanging day and month, forget to insert a leading 0 etc.). So
  instead of just saying: »The expected date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".
  Example: "2015-03-24"« it might be more helpful to say: »Did you mean
  2015-03-24?« where the date is a link to

Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de

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