I have a non-exit relay that has been up and running with 100% uptime on
a 15mbps circuit for going on 20 days that is still unmeasured. 

I also have an exit node on a 100mbps un-metered link that I brought
online 7 days ago and purchased specifically to donate to Tor that is
still unmeasured by the bwauths. 

Perhaps it's time to go back to self-advertised bandwidth since this
system is clearly broken? 

Furthermore, I understand the necessity of having the bwauths run by
trusted/known members of the development community, but what is the
criteria for this trust? Does running a broken directory server for
going on three weeks without taking the steps to fix it still fall
within this "trust" definition? 

Julian Plamann

 julian (at) amity.be
 GPG: 0x96881D83 

On 2015-05-22 10:32 am, Marcus wrote: 

> Hey,
> I still have the problem, that my relay (non-exit) is "not measured". I tried 
> to set up a new ID but this doesn't work. The relay ist still not measured 
> since one week. (12FD624EE73CEF37137C90D38B2406A66F68FAA2)
> I don't know much about the DA, but I checked that only two of nine have 
> measured my relay. Only gabelmoo and moria1 did measure the relay.
> An other smaller relay I own (FFB78E1F3E29091212C23A24A9779072800E1D96) is 
> listed as „measured" in the consensus with only three DA which measured the 
> bandwidth. (gabelmoo, moria1 and long claw)
> Based on this information I have some questions:
> 1) Is three DA which measured the bandwidth the „necessary" number to be not 
> „unmeasured"?
> 2) Is it only by chance that the DA are almost the same, which measured my 
> both relays?!
> 3) Is there any idea, how I can maybe force a DA to measure the relay?!
> I am a bit frustrated that I rented a Server to support TOR and now the relay 
> is useless... :(
> Thanks and Best regards,
> Marcus
> Am 22.05.2015 um 01:24 schrieb Network Operations Center <n...@schokomil.ch>:
> Matt,
> 135 Kb/s measured, I'm currently pushing data at 40Mbit in/out (limit is 80 
> Mbit with burst to 120 Mbit).
> On 21.05.2015 11:14 PM, Speak Freely wrote: Hey NOC,
> Nah I had the same experience with *1* relay. Following the same
> pattern, none of the other relays have left 20. I'm now at 16200 and
> averaging ~30mb/s.
> 4 still in limbo. What's also interesting is I setup a non-exit and it
> also will not get past 20.
> What does arm say your measured speed is? Mine was 45Kb/s for the
> longest time, but very recently went to 126.5Kb/s, but that's silly.
> Matt
> Speak Freely
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