Fingerprint is E20FF09A9A800B16C1C7C16E8C0DF95F46F649B0
And its running for about 6-7 weeks now.

Any ideas?


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 14:16:41 +0100
From: Sebastian Urbach <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] (no subject)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format=flowed


>I have these settings in my torrc-file
>RelayBandwidthRate 10000 KB? # Throttle traffic to >1000KB/s (800Kbps) 
>RelayBandwidthBurst 20000 KB # But allow bursts up >to 2000KB/s 
>(1600Kbps) MaxAdvertisedBandwidth 10000 KB ?
>I have a decent cable-based internet-connection at >home and want to 
>share lots of bandwith.
>Unfortunately my exit node only does about 220kb/sec
?>avg: 219.2 Kb/sec, total: 18.4 GB?????? avg: 224.7 Kb/>sec, total: 18.5 GB
>What do i have to change to speed this up?

Thank you for running a Relay. Please provide your fingerprint if you want
other people to look into this matter.
Sincerely yours / Sinc?res salutations / M.f.G.

Sebastian Urbach

Religion is fundamentally opposed to
everything I hold in veneration - courage, clear thinking, honesty,
fairness, and, above all, love of the truth.
Henry Louis Mencken (1880 - 1956),
American journalist, essayist, magazine
editor, satirist and critic.

On February 20, 2015 1:36:43 PM "Volker Mink" <> wrote:

> _______________________________________________
> tor-relays mailing list


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 09:25:33 -0500
From: Speak Freely <>
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed


Welcome to the club! Doing some quick math based your avg speed and your
total transfer, it looks like you've been running an exit relay for about a
day. It takes some time to build consensus within the network, others can
explain it better and in more detail.Don't worry, it takes some time for the
network to give you much love, but it will!

Take a look at one of my newest relays on atlas to see the ramp-up time. 
It's only been up for a couple of days.

Here's an another relay, that shows once love starts, it stays. This one has
been up for over a month... One of my first.

Don't forget to provide the fingerprint for others to investigate. :)

Speak Freely


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